Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry National Academy of Science of Ukraine

Department 18


Department of Physiologically Active Compound Synthesis

Kolodiazhnyi Oleg Ivanovich, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor

Address: Kiev, 02660, 1, Murmanskaya Str., Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, NAS Ukraine
Tel: 38(044)573-2555;
Fax: 38(044)573-2555,

Scientific direction:

Development of methods for physiologically active compounds.

Perspective researches:

Development of multiple asymmetric induction as highly effective method for increasing of stereoselectivity of organic reactions. Methods for asymmetric synthesis of physiologically active organophosphorus compounds: aminophosphonic acids, hydroxyphosphonic acids, C-P isosteric analogs pf carbohydrate phosphates of natural origin (glucophosphates, galactosophosphates, and others). Asymmetric synthesis of phosphorus analogs of taxol fragments - phytogenic antineoplastic agent.

Additional information

Development of methods for agrochemistry. Creation of insect attractants on the base of phytogenic semiochemicals. Synthesis of hormonal insecticides. Development of modern strategies of plant protections: push-pul strategy, lure-and-kill strategy, binary application of attractants together with insecticides for creation of high-tech, ecologically harmless methods of pest control.