Academic Council

The Academic Council of the Institute is a collegial advisory body for the management of scientific and scientific-technical activities of the Institute. The Academic Council makes decisions and recommendations within its competence, which is determined by the statute of the Institute.

The Academic Council of the Institute discusses the main directions of scientific and scientific-technical activities of the Institute and recommends them for approval by the Department of Chemistry and the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine, and also considers:

- issues related to improving the structure of the Institute;
- issues of coordination and scientific cooperation with other organizations and institutions;
- holding meetings and conferences;
- issues of international scientific cooperation of the Institute;
- issues of scientific publishing activities;
- nomination of outstanding scientific works, scientific discoveries and inventions for prizes, medals and other awards, including international;
- nomination and discussion of candidates for the position of director of the Institute;
- election of researchers and heads of scientific departments by competition;
- applying the requests for conferring academic and honorary titles;
- nomination of candidates for election to full members (academics) and corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

The Academic Council analyzes the state of implementation of scientific research, their financial and logistical support, training of scientific personnel.

The Scientific Council approves:
- programs, projects and plans of research-and-development activities;
- reports on the work and the most important achievements of the Institute, reports of individual scientific departments, including self-supporting;
- decision on awarding the title of Honorary Employee of the Institute.

The Academic Council approves:
- results of certification of researchers;
- themes of doctoral and candidate's dissertations of researchers and graduate students of the Institute, as well as their supervisors (consultants).

Composition of the Academic Council of the Institute and its sections затверджено рішенням Бюро Відділення хімії НАН України (протокол 28.03.2023 р. № 2, § 12, п. 1)