First Ukrainian Ccientific Conference Kukhar's Chemical Readings
January 29, 2019 at the Institute V.P. Kukhar Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry of NAS of Ukraine was held First Ukrainian Ccientific Conference Kukhar's Chemical Readings, dedicated to the memory of Academician of the NAS of Ukraine Valery Pavlovich Cook.
Director of our Institute A.I.Vovk addressed to the guests of the conference.

He noted that in 2019 starts the Ukrainian conference dedicated to the memory of the academician of the NAS of Ukraine V.P. Kukhar
With words of honor of V.P. Kukhar also made speeches:
- Deputy Academician-Secretary of the Department of Chemistry of NAS of Ukraine, Director of the Institute of Organic Chemistry of NAS of Ukraine Academician of NAS of Ukraine V.I. Kalchenko;

- Director of the Institute of Lytvynenko Physico-Organic Chemistry and Carbon Chemistry Academician of the NAS of Ukraine AF Popov;

- Director of the FD Ovcharenko Institute of Biocolloid Chemistry NAS of Ukraine Doctor of Technical Sciences VA Prokopenko;

- Director of the Institute of Chemistry of Macromolecular Compounds of the NAS of Ukraine O.O. Brovko.

They emphasized the merits of V.P. Kukhar - scientist with many-sided scientific interests, talented researcher, effective organizer of science, creator of scientific school, founder of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and organoelement compounds. The conference was attended by more than 110 scientists from institutions and educational institutions of Ukraine: Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry. V.P. Chef of NAS of Ukraine, Institute of Organic Chemistry of NAS of Ukraine, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of NAS of Ukraine, Institute of Sorption and Ecology of NAS of Ukraine, Institute of Physico-Organic Chemistry and Carbon Chemistry LM Lytvynenko of the NAS of Ukraine, the Institute of Biocolloid Chemistry. FD Ovcharenko NAS of Ukraine, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Mykola Gogol Nizhyn State University, Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism V.P. Commissarenko NAMS of Ukraine.
The photos below are the speeches of the participants of the scientific conference.

Report of V.D. Romanenko “Academician V.P. Kukhar and world science. Development of Phosphate Bioisosters ”(Department of Fine Organic Synthesis)

Report of A.I. Vovk "Phosphatase Inhibitors: From Structure to Activity" (Department of Bioorganic Reaction Mechanisms)

Report VI Kalchenko “Phosphorus-containing chiral calixarenes” (Institute of Organic Chemistry of NAS of Ukraine)

Report of V.P. Hilya "Natural and Modified Flavonoids" (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv)

Report by O.I. Kolodyazhny “Achievement of Chemistry of Phosphorus Organic Compounds at the V.P. Kukhar IBOPC"(Department of Synthesis of Physiologically Active Phosphorus Compounds)

Report of V.S. Brovarets "New Directions for the Use of Phosphorus Contents in the Synthesis of Heterocyclic Compounds" (Department of Chemistry of Bioactive Nitrogen Heterocyclic Bases)

A collective photo of the participants of the 1st Ukrainian Scientific Conference “Kukhar's Chemical Readings”