V.P. Kukhar Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was created on the basis of the Resolution of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences of 03.05.89 №181 by merging the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Petrochemistry Department of the Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry and Carbon Chemistry.
In 1983, on the initiative of Dr. Valery Pavlovich Kukhar in order to concentrate the efforts of scientists on the further development of basic scientific research and increase the efficiency of scientific and practical development in the field of bioorganic chemistry, the Resolution of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR of 08.04.1983 No. 217 established the Department of Bioorganic Chemistry The USSR is composed of three departments of IOH (chemistry of polyhalogen compounds, chemistry of pyrimidine bases, photosynthesis chemistry) and one department of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (protein chemistry). The same resolution approved the main directions of scientific activity of the Department, related to the study of the chemical structure of proteins, peptides, nucleic acids and their components, the creation of chemical models of biological processes, the development of methods of fine organic synthesis of new biologically active compounds.
Resolution of the CPSU Central Committee and the USSR Council of Ministers of August 26, 85 № 807 "On the further development of new directions of biology and biotechnology" approved the organization of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In pursuance of the said resolution and resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of 24.09.85 No. 357, the resolution of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR of 03.12.1986 No. 1449, the resolution of the Board of the State Committee of the USSR on science and technology (Minutes of 30.05.1986 No. 260) The Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR transformed the Department of Bioorganic Chemistry into the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (resolution of January 16, 1987 # 16).

Life path of academician of NAS of Ukraine V.P. Kukhar
V.P. Kukhar. Scientific Contribution
The founder and the head of the Department and the permanent director of the Institute during 1987 - 2012 was Valery Kukhar - an outstanding chemist, doctor of chemical sciences, professor, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, laureate of the State Prize of Technology in Ukraine, laureate of the World Federation of Scientists “Premio” Terni - San Valentino Award “Un anno d'Amore” awarded the Global 500 Award (UNEP) awarded by the International Arbuzov Prize in Organo-Phosphate Chemistry th, the author of more than 700 scientific papers published in national and international publications, including 9 monographs and 108 copyright certificates and patents for inventions, founder and head of a scientific school, which left 30 candidates and 2 doctors of chemical sciences worthy of continuing their teacher's business
In the first year and a half of the Department, new departments and laboratories were organized: fine organic synthesis, chemistry of nucleic acids, peptide synthesis, structure and function of proteins, chemistry of physiologically active compounds of phosphorus, chemistry of vitamins D, pharmacological and biochemical studies, etc.
The aforementioned scientific units were located in the premises of the IOH Academy of Sciences of the USSR, and in part, IMBIG Academy of Sciences of the USSR and occupied a total area of about 1150 sq.m. and this circumstance made it impossible to place the scientific equipment that was planned to be purchased, to equip special isothermal cameras, a radiochemical unit, bio-clean rooms, and to provide jobs for the growing number of employees. In view of the anticipated development of the Department, it became apparent the need to create a new laboratory base for the UBH - the construction of a 8,000 square meter laboratory building. Initiated by the leadership of UBH and supported by the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences for two years was completed: in 1984, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, OP Lyashko agreed with the proposal of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the USSR Academy of Sciences, construction of a laboratory building, Kyiv the City Council gave permission for the carrying out of design-reconnaissance works and determined that the construction should be carried out by Kyivprombud during 1986-1988.

The implementation of the Kyiv City Council's decision was somewhat delayed due to a number of objective reasons, including the 1986 Chernobyl accident.
The construction project was approved in 1987, and construction, in which a lot of ancillary work was performed by the Institute's staff, began in April 1988 and ended in September 1991.

Preparation of construction site

Inserting a memory capsule into the future foundation of the laboratory building

Construction work is complete!
Beginning with the fourth quarter of 1991, the development of a newly constructed building, the equipping of laboratory facilities and the adaptation of them to the specifics of the studies that were started began.
The Petrochemical Branch (Sector) was established in 1965 at the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry (IHD) Resolution of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences of March 20, 1965 №76). The initiator of its creation and the first leadership was Viktor Gutyrya - an outstanding petrochemist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, laureate of the USSR State Prize in the field of science and technology for the year 1942.

V.S. Gutyrya - developer of technologies for synthetic ethanol production, a number of military substances, aviation gasoline, catalytic cracking process in the fluidized bed of catalyst, zeolite catalysis processes, founder of the Ukrainian Petrochemical Scientific School, author of 2 monographs, more than 200 scientific works, over 200 scientific works.
The main objective of the established Sector is to conduct research in the field of petroleum chemistry and petrochemical processes. It was the first academic institution of petrochemical profile in Ukraine.
In the Petrochemical Sector, two new nappies have been initiated related to the application of new zeolite objects at that time: the catalysis of the whole celitex and the attraction of oil to them. For a number of instances, the department was the only scientific unit in the former Coyuzi, where research was carried out on whole topics.
After 11 years, the Petrochemistry Sector of the Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry and Carbon Chemistry (INF) of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR by the resolution of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR of 09.12.1976 was renamed to the Department of Petrochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences at the end of 1981. USSR Academy of Sciences of 17.10.1981 No. 407-B).
For several decades, Petrochemistry employees have acquired new knowledge regarding the transformation of petroleum hydrocarbons, performed numerous scientific and technical developments for the processes of oil and gas production, refining and petrochemistry, for the needs of plant and animal husbandry. Great credit to petrochemists in eliminating the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster - in record time they proposed, developed and implemented in the 30-kilometer Chernobyl NPP technologies of dust suppression on roads and their roads, chemical and biological fixing of sandy areas, the threat of transfer of radionuclides outside the zone was eliminated.
In May 1989, the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences, by decree # 181 of 03/05/89, subordinated the Petrochemistry Department of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, removing him from the Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry and Carbon Chemistry of the USSR Academy of Sciences No. IIC 21-18-685 of September 11, 1989), on the consent of the Council of Ministers of the USSR (decree # 358-r of October 9, 1989), the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (resolution of October 23, 1989 # 348) named the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR of bioorganic chemistry and petrochemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and approved the main pits of his scientific activity, which were subsequently adjusted by the Resolutions of the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine of 30.12.2003 No. 304 and of May 21, 2014 No. 110:
- synthesis of potentially bioactive compounds and study of the connection between structure and activity;
- chemical models of biological processes, synthesis and study of biological properties of new bioregulators for use in medicine and agriculture; materials.
In addition, a considerable amount of research work aimed at solving acute environmental problems, in particular, the purification of air, water and soil from man-made pollution, has been and continues to be carried out.
In 2018, the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was renamed V.P. Kukhar Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry NAS of Ukraine .

Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1923 - 1999)

BUGROV VALENTIN OLEKSANDROVICH - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
(1920 - 1999)

GALICH PETRO MIHAYLOVYCH Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor
(1923 - 2005)

MAKHORIN KONSTANTIN EPIFANOVYCH - Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1928 - 1999)

CHERKASOV VOLODYMYR MYKHAYLOVYCH - Doctor of Chemical Sciences (1910 - 2008)

GLAVATI ALDRIZHICH LUDVYKOVYCH Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor (1933 - 2003)

GRIGOR'EV ANATOLY OLEKSANDROVICH Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor
(1932 - 2005)

(1936 - 2005)

SCLYAR VOLODYMYR TYKHONOVYCH Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
(1923 - 1998)

ROYEV LEONID MYKHAILOVYCH Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor
(1933 - 1995)

KACHAN ONISIM OLEKSANDROVICH Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor
(1922 - 1996)

BEZMENOVA TAMILA EDUARDIVNA Doctor of Chemical Sciences (1936 - 1986)

GUTYRIA VICTOR STEPANOVYCH Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR
(1910 - 1983)

LUIK ALEXANDER IGOROVYCH Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1947 - 2000)

SEREBRYANY SAUL BENZIONOVYCH Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor
(1912 - 2001)

RADOVSKYY YURIY LEONIDOVYCH Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor
(1941 - 2007)

KOVTUN GRIGORY OLEKSANDROVYCH Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor
(1948 - 2008)

DRACH BORIS SERHIYOVYCH Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor
(1938 - 2009)

(1912 - 2007)

STEPANOV ANATOLI VASYLOVYCH Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
(1934 - 2012)

PATRILYAK KAZIMIR IVANOVYCH Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor
(1938 - 2015)

POP GRIGORIY STEPANOVYCH Doctor of Chemical Sciences
(1945 - 2018)

Кандидат хімічних наук
(2002 – 2021)

Член-кореспондент НАН України,
доктор хімічних наук, професор
(1942 – 2024)