The Council of Young Scientists is intended to promote the professional development and scientific development of young scientists, the accumulation of experience in scientific research, creative growth, maximum use of the scientific potential of young people in scientific institutions.
The main activities of the Council:
- offers speeches of young scientists at meetings of the Department and research institutions;
- takes initiatives on various issues of scientific and public life, makes proposals and participates in the development of decisions concerning scientific youth;
- develops cooperation with scientific, youth, educational, and student institutions and participates in programs for the exchange of research experience;
- develops international contacts with youth and charitable organizations;
- participates in international, national, interregional, regional and other research projects and programs, conferences, seminars;
- may participate in the organization of centers of business cooperation, clubs, cultural, sports, health events, exhibitions, competitions, fairs of scientific ideas, etc.;
- promotes science in Ukrainian society, in particular among schoolchildren and students, conducting excursions, lectures and other scientific and educational activities. Implementation of measures to establish a system of scientific guidance for scientific work of students (including students of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) and students.
The Council of Young Scientists of the V.P. Kukhar Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was established in February 2016 to improve cooperation between young scientists both within the institute and to create new inter-institute and international scientific connections.
РМВ ІБОНХ НАН України дії згідно положення РМВ ІБОНХ НАН України, розробленого на основі типового положення.
– XVIII Scientific Youth Conference "Problems and Achievements of Modern Chemistry"