Made in Ukraine. Resources from wastes
Today, for most industries, the important task is to find resources for various industrial fields. At the VP Kukhar Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry of the NAS of Ukraine is studying the energy and resource potential that have wastes containing organic matter.
Biodiesel based on biodegradable raw materials
The method of homogeneous-catalytic ethanol ethanol transesterification of vegetable oils (completely biodegradable and produced in Ukraine raw materials) is proposed and the original technology of obtaining ethyl esters of fatty acids can be used, which can be used as an alternative motor fuel of biological origin. The advantage of this technology over the classic is the replacement of highly toxic methyl alcohol derived from natural gas with environmentally-friendly bioethanol, which makes the raw material base of this process completely biodegradable, and the synthesized ethanol biodiesel fuel more environmentally friendly. biodiesel fuel has shown unique energy-ecological characteristics: in blends with diesel oil of oil origin in concentrations of 20-80 % synthesized product is dominated by high quality (Euro) grade II oil (slightly up to 1%) higher engine maximum power, 2-7% higher maximum torque, 1-3% higher engine efficiency, characterized by by 1-5% lower values of emissions into the atmosphere of carbon dioxide, smaller by 1.3-1.5 times values of emissions of nitrogen oxides, 1.2-1.3 times by carbon oxides, by 1.9-3.3 times - incomplete combustion products, 1.1-2 times lower smokiness, with the last four characteristics of tailoring are blasted over the entire concentration range, including pure biodiesel, inclusive.
The bio-ecological engine synthesized product outperforms methanol-based fuels and is the only biodiesel fuel known to date as a result of which internal combustion engines are burned in cylinders. Nitrogen oxides do not increase, but, on the contrary, significantly decrease, which makes it environmentally acceptable.
Today, analogues of biodiesel fuel ethanol oil transesterification, as well as its technology Ukraine does not exist.
Керівник розробки: д.х.н. Патриляк Любов Казимирівна, тел. (044) 559-71-60.
Регулятори росту рослин
В Інституті розроблено ефективні екологічно безпечні регулятори росту рослин (Івін, Потейтін, Емістим-С, Агростимулін, Бетастимулін, Зеастимулін, Чаркор, Трептолем), які підвищують на 15-20% врожайність основних сільськогосподарських культур; поліпшують якість продукції рослинництва; підвищують стійкість рослин до хвороб, шкідників та стресових факторів; при спільному використанні з пестицидами дозволяють на 25-30% зменшити дози пестицидів, а відтак – зменшити пестицидне навантаження на грунти; є низьковитратними препаратами (10-15 мл для обробки 1 т насіння, або 5-10 мл для оприскування 1 га посівів); забезпечують високу рентабельність (1 гривня, витрачена на застосування регуляторів росту рослин, може давати додаткову продукцію на 15-20 гривень). На зазначені регулятори росту рослин Інститут біоорганічної хімії та нафтохімії ім. В.П. Кухаря НАН України розробив та зареєстрував Технічні Умови України для застосування їх при вирощуванні основних сільськогосподарських культур в Україні, за якими Товариство з обмеженою відповідальністю “Високий врожай” і Державне підприємство “Міжвідомчий науково-технологічний центр «Агробіотех» на підставі наданих Інститутом ліцензій виготовляє та реалізує регулятори росту рослин.
Регулятор росту природного походження з широким спектром дії «Емістим-С»
Застосовується при вирощуванні зернових, зернобобових, технічних, кормових, овочевих, плодово-ягідних культур, в лісовому господарстві, ландшафтному дизайні, на квітах та газонах.
Вплив на рослини:
Збільшує енергію проростання і польову схожість насіння, сприяє розвиту кореневої системи, підвищує стійкість рослин до хвороб та стресових факторів, знімає фітотоксичний ефект, має антимутагенну дію, підвищує врожай та якість вирощеної продукції.
Регулятор росту овочевих культур «Івін»
Застосовується в технологіях вирощування овочевих культур-огірків, томатів, перцю, капусти, моркви, баклажанів; технічних культур – тютюну, бавовнику, ефіроолійних сортів троянд; кімнатних рослин. Особливо ефективний при обробці насіння.
Вплив на рослини:
Зменшує захворювання рослин, знижує в плодах вміст нітратів, важких металів, радіонуклідів. Забезпечує прибавки врожаю: огірків – 25-70 ц/га; томатів – 35-80 ц/га; (в закритому ґрунті, відповідно, 1,5-4,5 кг/м2 і 1,7-5,0 кг/м2); капусти – 30-50 ц/га; перцю солодкого – 20-40 ц/га. Прискорює дозрівання та збільшує вихід раннього врожаю на 20-30%.
Регулятор росту картоплі «Потейтін»
Застосовується в технології вирощування картоплі для обробки бульб та обприскування плантацій.
Вплив на рослини:
Стимулює ріст і розвиток картоплі у початковий період, підвищує стійкість до захворювань. Загрублює листя і стебла, утруднюючи їх пошкодження колорадським жуком. Підвищує врожай на 30-80 ц/га, збільшує масу бульб і вміст у них крохмалю та вітамінів.
Регулятор росту для вирощування колосових зернових, зернобобових і технічних культур «Агростимулін»
Препарат з широким спектром дії. Застосовується для обробки насіння і обприскування посівів пшениці, ячменю, сої, гречки, гороху, льону, конюшини, люцерни, сорго.
Вплив на рослини:
Препарат вільно проходить через мембрани клітин, активізує процеси обміну і прискорює поділ клітин. Внаслідок чого швидко наростає потужна коренева система та розвинена листова поверхня, інтенсифікується синтез хлорофілу. Агростимулін зменшує токсичну дію пестицидів на культурні рослини, має анти мутагенний ефект. На 10-20% збільшує врожай та поліпшує якість вирощеної продукції.
Найефективніший регулятор росту цукрового буряку «Бетастимулін»
Застосовується в технологіях вирощування цукрових, кормових та столових буряків для обробки насіння та обприскування посівів.
Вплив на рослини:
Підвищує польову схожість насіння, інтенсифікує розвиток кореневої системи і гички, активізує утворення хлорофілу, підвищує стійкість до хвороб та стресів. Препарат активно впливає на ферментні системи, відповідальні за ріст коренеплоду та накопичення цукрів, стимулюючи відтік поживних речовин до коренеплодів. Збільшує врожай коренеплодів на 25-60 ц/га одночасно з підвищенням цукристості на 0,5-1,2%.
Регулятор росту для вирощування кукурудзи «Зеастимулін»
Застосовується в технологіях вирощування кукурудзи на зерно і зелену масу для оброки насіння і обприскування посівів.
Вплив на рослини:
Зменшує строки проростання насіння, прискорює розвиток молодих рослин, підсилює стійкість до хвороб, активізує фотосинтез, знижує фітотоксичну дію пестицидів, має анти мутагенний ефект. Зеастимулін підвищує врожай зерна кукурудзи на 7-10 ц/га, зеленої маси на 50-70 ц/га, на 2-5% збільшує вміст жирів і протеїнів у зерні.
Високоефективний стимулятор коренеутворення «Чаркор»
Укорінення зелених і задерев’янілих живців рослин, обробка коріння розсади і саджанців перед висадкою в ґрунт, підживлення кореневої системи дерев та кущів.
Вплив на рослини:
Сприяє підвищенню кількості первинних корінців, їх інтенсивному росту і розвитку, збільшує довжину прирост у та прискорює його визрівання. Істотно підвищує рентабельність процесу вегетативного розмноження рослин.
Регулятор росту для вирощування соняшника та ріпаку «Трептолем»
Застосовується в технологіях вирощування соняшника та ріпаку для обробки насіння та обприскування посівів
Вплив на рослини:
Препарат сприяє формуванню потужної кореневої системи та листової поверхні, зменшує захворюваність рослин та підвищує їх стійкість до стресогенних факторів. Збільшує діаметр кошиків соняшника на 4-5 см. Підвищує врожайність насіння на 2,5-4,0 ц/га і вміст в ньому олії на 1,5-2,5%.
Wastewater sludge dewatering technology using elements of GeoTube technology
The technology of deep dewatering of sewage sludge (on the example of Bortnaya BSA aeration station) was developed with the help of container technology (elements of GeoTube technology) and the possibilities of using such technology in real conditions were explored. Its high efficiency in the dehydration of aerobically-stabilized sediments and purification of backwash water is shown. The technological scheme of the processes is developed, the implementation of which will solve the extremely acute environmental problem of Kiev: reduce the load on the sludge sites due to a more complete dewatering of the silt and eliminate the potential threat of breakage of the barrier dams and catastrophic pollution of the Dnieper; significantly improve the quality of the sewage that returns from the sludge sites to the "head" of the biological treatment process.
A pilot laboratory facility has been created to work out the process of dewatering various naturally occurring sediments in the “sediment outside the container> water through the geotextile material inside the container with its constant drainage”. At this pilot plant, a series of sediment dewatering experiments were conducted in the aerobic-stabilized sediment (CACO) shop of the Bortnitsa Aeration Station. The characteristics of the water obtained in the filtration processes are given in the tables. Regeneration modes for filtering geotechnical fabric have been worked out and the performance of the pilot plant has been determined.
More on the poster:
Head of development: Ph.D. Vladimir Kashkovsky, tel .: (044) 559-20-71, (044) 559-70-54.
Technology of purification of industrial and sewage for small cities and settlements by anaerobic digestion in psychrophilic conditions has been developed. The technology is based on the concept of modernization of existing wastewater treatment plants, which provides:
- replacement of primary sedimentation tanks with anaerobic psychrophilic EGSB reactors (expanded granular sludge bed) with expanded granule layer;
- application for aerobic purification of facilities having the characteristics of light-load air filters and aeration tanks;
- ensuring the permanent removal of partially degraded organic matter from the EGSB reactor to the next purification step;
- ensuring the discharge of excess sludge from the aerobic purification step into the EGSB reactor;
- ensuring purification of waste water from nitrogen-containing compounds (denitrification);
- the use of anaerobic reactor (ABR) for wastewater denitrification;
- use of highly loaded sludge sites;
- using jet aeration using submerged sludge pumps for deeper saturation of sludge with oxygen directly in the aerator.
Purification of municipal effluents under psychrophilic conditions is carried out by anaerobic microorganisms that conduct the biodegradation of water-soluble organic compounds (poliants). The use of such agrobiocenoses has allowed for sewage treatment and dozens of sludges and excess sludge to be reduced.
The implementation of this technology provides the following:
- implementation of existing facilities of the psychrophilic EGSB reactor will unload and improve the operation of aeration tanks at low costs for reconstruction and modernization
- creation of low-cost CBS projects for new construction with specific energy costs (no more than 0.2-0.5 kWh / m3 of wastewater);
- reducing the amount of silt on dry matter, which is characterized by good water-repellent properties, high ash content and stability, and, consequently, a significant reduction of the area of sludge sites in comparison with existing technologies 4-5 times;
- possibility of biogas production for own needs of CBS (heating, hot water supply); - stability of the system to changes in hydraulic modes and no need for facilities for averaging of runoff;
- decentralization of sewage treatment in settlements - possibility of automation of technological process of sewage treatment - remote control capability.
The technology was introduced at Kanev sewage treatment plants, resulting in an increase in sewage treatment depth and a decrease in sediment (sludge) by about 50 times, which reduced the area of sludge sites from 2.0 to 0.12 hectares.
The widespread introduction of this technology at minimal financial and resource costs can significantly improve the environmental situation in Ukraine.
Head of development: Ph.D. Vladimir Kashkovsky, tel .: (044) 559-20-71, (044) 559-70-54.
A flexible technological scheme of non-waste treatment of organ-containing waste, including municipal sewage sludge, to produce liquid products has been developed.
Head of development: Ph.D. Vladimir Kashkovsky, tel .: (044) 559-20-71, (044) 559-70-54.
Безвідходний спосіб переробки рисової лузги у ліквідні продукти
Rice husk is a large tonnage of industrial waste. At present, existing technologies do not provide for their comprehensive utilization. The Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine developed a waste-free method of processing rice husk into liquid products: cellulose, combustible gas with a calorific value of 3600–4000 kcal / kg, and silicon dioxide with a purity of 99.98%.
More on the poster:
High purity silica from man-made wastes
The technology of obtaining high-purity amorphous silicon dioxide from silicon-containing wastes of technogenic origin has been developed, which includes the stages of: preparation of raw materials and their mixing with fluorinating agent; heating the mixture to a predetermined temperature; sublimation of the formed ammonium hexafluorosilicate; its hydrolysis in an alkaline medium; filtration and drying of silicon dioxide; regeneration of the original fluorinating agent and ammonia solution.
Recycling of the residue obtained after receiving silicon dioxide in the direction of extraction of other oxides from it or by using such residue in the construction of roads, planning of industrial sites, creation of materials for different purposes. silicon-containing raw materials. High purity amorphous silica was obtained from the ash of the Trypillya TES, ash residues after the burning of sediments of the Bortnitskaya Aeration Station and the Kalitnya pig complex, as well as quarry and quartz sand. All technological parameters of the process were fulfilled and the necessary equipment was selected. The technological scheme of experimental and industrial production of amorphous silicon dioxide has been created.
Head of development: Ph.D. Vladimir Kashkovsky, tel .: (044) 559-20-71, (044) 559-70-54.
Laboratory equipment has been created to study the process of explosive autohydrolysis of plant biomass over a wide range of temperatures and pressures. Studies have shown that all starting materials of vegetable origin, which were processed in the process of explosive autohydrolysis, underwent a breakdown of its structure, and the mixture of end products had a mushy appearance. Further processing of the resulting mixture allowed it to be divided into the following components: microcrystalline cellulose, hemicellulose, water-soluble sugars and lignin. It has been established that pretreatment of vine-like millet under conditions of explosive autohydrolysis promotes intensification of the fermentation process (bacterium Clostridia acetobytylicum) in the direction of obtaining biobutanol, which, in our opinion, is caused by the dissolving of plant material, that is, by the disclosure its structure, which in turn facilitates the access of bacteria to nutrients. Fermentation of grapefruit millet treated with autohydrolysis yielded butanol yield of 3.0 g / l. At the same time, world achievements are at 2.0-2.5 g / l.
Manager of the development: Ph.D. Volodymyr Kashkovsky, tel .: (044) 559-20-71, (044) 559-70-54.
Complex Organic and Mineral Fertilizers of the New Generation
The Institute has developed complex organo-mineral fertilizers of the new generation based on sediments of Bortnitskaya aeration station and gold residues of vegetable waste. Field tests of these fertilizers in 2018-2019 confirmed their high agrochemical efficiency.
Their use improved the nitrogen-phosphorus nutrition of experimental plants, which helped increase corn yield by 5.1 tons per 1 hectare , winter wheat by 2.9 tonnes per hectare and protein content increase by 18.5% and 16.8%, respectively, in the absence of toxic trace elements.
The use of such fertilizers also contributed to improved performance. fertility
experimental dark gray podzolized soil.
Films for use as edible packaging to protect products from mechanical damage, biological and chemical exposure.
They retain optimum humidity and protect against worming.
The films contain nutrients: pectin, beta-carotene, vitamins B and U, betaine, fiber, sorbents. All samples are soluble in water at room temperature.
10 - 15 minutes films are decomposed into separate particles, which are then dissolved.
The diagram shows the dependence of the temperature of the beginning of the deformation of the samples on a constant load. The tensile strength is 10, 2.5 and 1.25 kg / cm2 at 40, 80 and 130 oC respectively.
Diagram of the temperature dependence of the onset of strain
film specimens from loading
02094, м. Київ-94, вул. Академіка Кухаря,
тел.+38(044) 558-53-88, факс +38(044) 573-25-52
The presentation is also available as a file in jpg and pptx
Integrated Solid Waste Filtrate Recycling Technology
Specialists of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry of the NAS of Ukraine together with the State Scientific-Production Corporation “Kiev Institute of Automation” and Scientific-Production Enterprise “Alfa Stevia” developed high-efficiency technology for complex processing of the landfill filtrate # 5 of the Kiev city landfill MSW. The technological scheme is fully adapted to the existing infrastructure of polygon # 5, designed for processing up to 1000 m3 of filtrate daily, and provides for the following stages:
• deep pre-catalytic-oxidative purification of the filtrate; ;
• biofuel purification to existing regulatory standards and discharge of pure water into the environment;
• disposal of concentrated residues obtained in the process of catalytic oxidation
purification of the filtrate and its desalination by membrane methods by creating
mat material for the insulating layer of MSW landfill, road construction materials or site planning or technical construction materials. The technology can be applied to other similar objects.
The developed technology of complex processing of filtrate has passed sanitary and epidemiological examination at the Institute of hygiene and medical ecology them. OHM. Mazayev Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, the same Institute agreed on the basis of the above-mentioned technology technology and feasibility study "Implementation of modernization
technological complex of preparation, treatment and disposal of filtration
waters of landfill № 5 in the village. Hills ”. As a result - the opinion on the state sanitary and hygienic examination of 14.08.2008, № 05.03.02-07 / 52262 was obtained, according to which the said feasibility study meets the requirements of the current sanitary legislation in Ukraine and can be used in the stated sphere (municipal services)
The process of debris compaction and formation due to the decomposition of organic compounds
so-called filtrate, which contains a large amount of toxic substances.
The accumulation of the toxic filtrate formed and the ingress of it into the soil water can cause an environmental catastrophe. discharge of water through the bio-plate into the environment and solves the problem of the concentrated sediment formed during the purification process.
Manager of the development: Ph.D. Volodymyr Kashkovsky, tel .: (044) 559-20-71, (044) 559-70-54.
Water-insoluble proton ionic liquids have been developed that include cations 1-alkylimidazolium, 2-alkylaminoimidazolinium, N-butylguanidinium and anion bis (trifluoromethyl-sulfonyl) imide. Such compounds have been found to be thermally resistant to 370-400 ° C and have a high specific ionic conductivity, which reaches up to 10-2 cm / cm at 180 ° C. The obtained ionic liquids are promising electrolytes for use in anhydrous proton-conducting systems, in particular for polymer-electrolyte membranes for fuel cells.
Head of development: Sergey Rogalsky, tel .: (044) 559-46-22.
A number of functional eco-friendly surfactants, biofuels and lubricants have been developed on the basis of chicken fat. Good lubricating properties provide process fluids, with their use, high tribotechnical characteristics, good cleaning and cooling properties, which allows to recommend them not only as biofuels, but also functional additions to technological systems for various spheres with high toxicological-hygienic and ecological requirements. Lithium plastic grease on the basis of chicken fat, as a thickener, in terms of penetration, dropping temperature, mechanical stability and other requirements of the specifications is not inferior to the commercial lubricant Litol-24 (GOST 21150), complex calcium - grease Uniol-2M / 1 (GOST TU 38.5901243), hydrated calcium - grease "Solidol fat" (GOST 1033). At the same time, biodegradability of new oils by 10-20% is dominated by existing product analogues, which opens the way to cheaper and further greening of the technology of production and use of lubricants.
Compositions of micro-emulsion types of lubricants and coolants, differing in thermodynamic, sedimentation and thermal resistance, as well as gear oils and anti-scratch oils for three-destructive tool-destroying tools, have been developed using sulfur-containing ethyl esters of FFA and oils. , antioxidant and protective characteristics are not inferior, and organoleptic, toxicological and ecological characteristics (biodegradability within 21 days makes 93%) are significantly superior to industrial ones. Analogs. Developed oils, plastic oils and lubricants meet the world's best analogues. Their practical importance is confirmed by patents and applications for inventions.
Surfactants based on oils and phosphatides
Traditional lubricants are biodegradable products (10-30%). Their production is accompanied by emissions of more than 13 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere, and in the process of use about 36% of them are deposited in the form of toxic oil mist on soils and roads. The Department of South Africa IBONH NAS of Ukraine has proposed a comprehensive solution to the problem of
transformation of by-products from oil purification with obtaining environmentally friendly
multifunctional surfactants to lubricants.
Motor oil 10M-BIO for duple engines
The urgency of the problem. Today in all economically developed countries of Western Europe, the USA and Canada in the parks, urban and suburban areas of recreation, agriculture, forestry and water management it is forbidden to use of lubricants of oil origin, which are due to high stability and slow schedule for a long time are held on the surface of the earth and reservoirs. Instead, organic oils are widely used on the basis of vegetable oils, which are naturally and completely absorbed by microorganisms in nature.
The marketing and forecasting of biofuels production and use are conducted at the UNHCR of NAS of Ukraine. lubricants from reproduced vegetable raw materials. On the basis of rapeseed and sunflower oils, with the addition of detergent-dispersive additives, a similar foreign 10M-BIO oil was developed, which, according to the results of tests at enterprises in Kyiv, meets the world standards for two-stroke oils of gasoline engines. 10m-Bio engine oil is characterized by improved viscosity-temperature properties (according to TU 23.2-30084964-005-2003 - kinematic viscosity at 100 оС - 8, 0-11,0 mm2 / s (cSt); flash point - over 200 ° C) and in baseline moham leading manufacturers of compact equipment Husquarna, Dolmar, Stihl. It provides high engine cleanliness, good starting qualities when cold and hot start, perfect condition of piston rings and protection against wear and corrosion, high environmental friendliness (SES-L-33-T-82 biodegradability is more than 95%). 10m-Bio engine oil is intended for use in two-stroke, water or air-cooled engines by pre-mixing the oil with fuel or separating them automatically into the combustion chamber. Recommended for scooters, mopeds, motorcycles, motor boats, chains dust, snowmobiles, snowblowers, lawn mowers, hedge trimmers, etc. Due to its high anti-corrosion properties, the oil can also be used for internal preservation of two-stroke engines for storage, transportation and seasonal decommissioning. 10m-Bio is mixed with various types of fuels and is recommended for use in two-stroke gasoline engines, taking into account the proposals of the manufacturer of the technical means, preferably at a ratio of “oil:gasoline = 1: 50 ".
The cost of 10m-Bio oil, due to the use of its own natural renewable raw materials, is 2-4 times lower than the imported type of imported oil purchased in Sweden or Germany. Engine oil 10m-Bio can be delivered in Euros with a capacity of 216.5 liters and in plastic cans of 5 liters and 1 liter. Potential manufacturer - Ivano-Frankivsk company Barva.
Nanocomposite materials based on inorganic nanoparticles and conductive polymers
New methods for the synthesis of hybrid semiconductor and magnetic nanomaterials such as polymer or inorganic core-shell from a semiconductor polymer of polyaniline (PANI) or poly (3-methylthiophene) (P3MT) have been developed. The methods are based on potentiometric control of the in situ polymerization process, which allows to trace its stages and to control their course.
Synthesis scheme:
Examples of formed particles hybrid composites (electron microscopic
Materials available: medical diagnostics and treatment; sensor,
hybrid photovoltaic elements; electromagnetic, antistatic and anticorrosive
protection, etc.
Head of development: Ph.D., prof. Pud Alexander, tel .: (044)
Sensor material based on conductive and industrial polymers and a system for recording its sensory response
The material is a transparent composite polymer film on the basis of a dielectric industrial polymer (polyethylene terephthalate, polyamide, polycarbonate, polyvinylidene fluoride, etc.), in the surface layer (1-2 μm) which is distributed by polymerization sensory polymer polyaniline (LADY). Depending on the chemical status of polyaniline (emeraldine base or salt), the material may interact with substances with acidic properties (hydrochloric, acetic, formic acids, etc.), or with basic properties (ammonia, alkali solutions, etc.). As a result of such interactions, PANI changes color, optical density, and electrical conductivity (Fig. 1), allowing it to use its composites in the corresponding sensor devices. The composite dielectric matrix provides high strength and stability for the sensor material.
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
In order to record the sensory response of the developed materials in the gas phase, a sensory system was developed in the gas phase after changing their optical density (Fig. 2). When using PANI in the basic form, the system gives a linear response to compounds with acidic properties (eg, formic acid 150-500 ppm), in salt - to compounds with basic properties (eg, ammonia 4-600 ppm). The developed material and system can be used in chemical industries using ammonia or different acids to look for the leakage of these substances into the environment. Pud Alexander, tel .: (044) 559-70-03.
Method of deep desulfurization of motor fuels
A catalytic-adsorption method of desulfurization (desulfurization) has been developed, which allows to achieve the effective removal of sulfur-containing compounds, including thiophene, benzthiophene and their derivatives from liquid hydrocarbon fuels, unlike the known methods of providing desulfurization. requires high temperatures and pressures) • Resource saving (does not require sophisticated equipment and expensive catalysts);
• High degree of sulfur removal (up to 30 million parts in gasoline, up to 15 ppm in diesel, and if necessary up to 1 ppm and less for fuel cells, ie to European sulfur content standards);
• High degree of sulfur removal (up to 30 million parts in gasoline, up to 15 ppm in diesel, and if necessary up to 1 ppm and less for fuel cells, ie to European sulfur content standards);
KESON Technology
Purpose: The technology is designed to improve environmental performance and increase the life of automobile engines without decommissioning. Technology Description is to periodically restore worn and working surfaces of engine cylinders without dismantling anti-wear spray metal cluster coating through candle or nozzle openings. When processing engines with this technology, the combustion chamber is cleaned, the geometry of the cylinders and "scratched" scratches on the working surfaces of the cylinders are restored, the compression is increased by 10-30%, and their values in the cylinders are aligned. , increased engine power, diminished smoke and exhaust toxicity. At multiple processing of engines with 40-50 thousand km interval, the service life of engines in passport mode is increased 2-3 times.
Appearance and results of atomic force microscopy
Head of development: Ph.D. Volodymyr Pilyavsky, tel. (044) 559-71-81.
Solid lubrication technology
Purpose: The technology of solid lubricating coatings is designed to ensure the workability of parts in dry friction units without the use of liquid or plastic lubricating compositions. Description of the development: Solid lubricating coating (TZP) is made in the form of a suspension consisting of fluorinated polyamide (PA-24), organic anti-friction filler and additives (antioxidants, tribopolymer-forming components).
The thickness of the coating is 0.15 - 025 mm.
Heat treatment for curing is carried out at 190 ° C for 2 hours, or at 80 ° C in the presence of a catalyst.
Comparison with analogues: Metalloftoroplast TZP
1. Friction coefficient 0,03-0.05 - 0.12-0.15;
2. Durability (h) 25-30 0.5;
3. Burst load, H 5000 1600.
The proposed TZP was first used in aviation at the control units of the AN-70 aircraft wing, as well as in robotics on the inner surface of the pneumatic cylinder technical work (the total working of the pneumatic cylinder was 1 000 000 cycles).
Head of development: Ph.D. Sheludko Evgeny Valentinovich tel .: (044) 559-71-81.
Highly efficient zeolite catalyst and environmentally friendly alkyl butobutyl isobutane alkylation processes to produce a high octane gasoline component - alkylate, as well as alkylation of benzene and toluene with C20-C24 olefins to produce alkylbenzenes for the production of alkylsulfonic sulfides oil. The proposed catalyst and the developed processes are intended to replace environmentally damaging alkylation processes with the use of highly concentrated sulfuric and hydrofluoric acids and aluminum chloride as catalysts.
The developed catalyst is characterized by increased (by 1-3%) in comparison with imported samples of gasoline outputs due to the reduced gas and coke formation. The production of the catalyst is focused on domestic raw materials, mainly in kaolin of the Prosyaniv deposit of Dnepropetrovsk region, and is planned for sale on the basis of enamel production workshop of the Himmash Concern (Poltava). According to the Feasibility study, capital investments in the installation of 10 thousand tons of catalyst per year ($ 11 million) will pay off within 24-36 months.
The catalyst for reforming light gasoline fractions, which does not contain noble, fusible and volatile metals, operates at lower temperatures and pressures than traditional catalysts of this process. The test results of the catalyst in reforming the real gasoline fraction are comparable to the results of reforming on industrial platinum-rhenium catalysts. Head of development: Ph.D. Patrylak Lyubov Kazimirovna, tel. (044) 559-71-60.
Polyfunctional additive for "Eterol-nS" lubricants
Addition to gear oils and industrial oils, plastic oils and lubricants to improve their tribological and antioxidant properties. "Eterol-nS" - a number of substances with a mass fraction of sulfur n = 5–38%; non-volatile, light transparent brown liquids with a kinematic viscosity of 100 оС - 3-8 mm2 / s, acid number - 2-10 mg KOH / g, flash point in an open crucible - 265-270 oС and temperature ignition - 319 oC; well soluble in oils. Improve the viscosity, temperature, protective, anti-wear and wear properties of lubricants at high loads and speeds.
In terms of operational and environmental properties, analogues based on fatty acids of oils and their derivatives predominate, and are not inferior to the highly effective analogue of "Anglamol" Lubrizol.
Polyfunctional additive for phospholidin oil products
In addition to anti-friction lubricants for lubrication of bearings - rolling or sliding, motor oils, lubricants and other friction units of industrial equipment operated under high temperatures, loads and corrosive environments. Phospholidin "- a dark brown lubricant with a temperature of 27-29 ° C, a solubility in hydrocarbons. Increases by 50% anti-wear and anti-tear properties by 2.1-2.4 times with simultaneous lubrication improving toxicological, environmental and antioxidant effects Properties of properties, protective action against pig iron, steel and copper and 2-6 times reduction in value compared to domestic industrial dialkyldithiophosphate appendix DF-11.
Lubricant for industrial friction units
Anti-friction grease, highly effective in wet and aggressive environments at high temperatures and loads for equipment in the enterprises of the brick, glass, ceramic and cement industries.
Lubricating mass with a drop temperature> 250 ° C, tensile strength 20 оС - 800-830 PA, welding load - 7350 N, critical load - 1470-1842 N, improved tribological and protective characteristics, and increased thermal oxidation stability. According to operational and ecological properties, both domestic market products and the best foreign analogue - Ceran HV of Total firm prevail.
Anti-friction grease for metallurgical equipment
Lubrication of friction units of metallurgical equipment, operated in the range from minus 30 ° C to + 150 ° C under high load conditions and possible exposure to corrosive environments. Lubricating mass with drop temperature > 250 ° C, tensile strength over 20 Pa - more than 400 Pa, with increased oxidation stability over 150 °C, with improved protective properties of metal surfaces of friction units from corrosion factors. On mechanical stability, anti-wear and anti-tear characteristics grease dominated by domestic oil “U. IOL-2 "and best foreign analogues.
Мастило залізничне ЖРО
Specialized lubricant for friction units with bearings rolling of locomotives, diesel trains and motor-car rolling stock railway enterprises. Homogeneous lubricating mass with drop temperature of 190? C, penetration of 25 oC in in the range 190-250 m • 10-4, with a viscosity of minus 30 oС and an average gradient of strain rate of 10 s-1 - 1650 Pa • s, with a tensile strength of 50 oС - 480 Pa, with welding load - 2600 N. Due to its improved mechanical stability, low temperature, tribological, protective and environmental properties, solubility under conditions of high loadings in the temperature range from minus 50 oC to +120 oC, lubricant prevails as commodity LPO oil, and the best analogs based on petroleum oils, thickened with lithium soaps of fatty acids of valuable castor oil .